ChiroHealthUSA Providers enjoy many benefits in addition to compliant discounts. We’ve partnered with the best companies in the chiropractic space to bring you more ways to improve your practice and save money on the things you already pay for!
Experience the Care Plan Calculator® introducing ChiroHealthUSA® as part of the equation. Easy Care Plans, Compliant Discounts, Improved Retention and Collections. Learn More Now!
Your Free Subscription to Chiropractic Economics. Chiropractic Economics was voted the #1 most-trusted and most-used resource for doctors of chiropractic.
KMC University
Special Discount with code: CHUSANSA
The January 2022 Patient No Surprises Act applies to EVERY practice. KMC University has worked with legal counsel to create an online course to share the right answers, forms, and scripting to keep you compliant. You’ll get the tools for seamless implementation of the NCA with helpdesk support. Special $99 pricing for ChiroHealthUSA providers (Reg $199). Use code CHUSANSA during checkout.
First Month FREE for CHUSA Providers
Get $100 off with promo code CHUSA100
Staffless Practice
FREE 1-Hour Webinar with Dr. Jodi!
Learn how to turn your office phone into an automated office manager without losing the personal touch your clients expect. Learn the THREE systems that need to be implemented NOW to get you out of PRACTICE OVERWHELM, free up your schedule, and save you time, money, and energy!

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Network with Posters, Postcards, Decals, Brochures, and more.