by Susan Stamper •
Content Marketing Manager, ChiroHealthUSA •
Whew, y’all still trying to shake off that daylight saving time fog? I swear, my alarm went off this morning, and I had to double-check I wasn’t dreaming. It’s darker than a cave at midnight when you wake up, the evenings feel all kinds of wrong, and somehow, you’re ready for bed at 8pm like you’re eighty-five years old. If you’re anything like me, you might still be feeling a little off your game since the time change a couple of weeks ago.
Now, I know some folks will tell you to just “get over it,” but science says otherwise. Turns out, daylight saving time isn’t just an annoying little shift—it can actually mess with your body in some pretty serious ways. Studies show a spike in traffic accidents, heart attacks, strokes, mood swings, and even ER visits after the time change. No wonder the American Academy of Sleep Medicine is saying we ought to scrap the whole thing and stick with permanent standard time. They argue that our bodies naturally follow the sun—waking up with it and winding down as it sets. And if that’s how we’re built, why in the world are we fighting it?
So let’s talk about sleep, why it’s so important, and what we can do to get better rest—even when the clock’s working against us. 😴
Why Sleep Isn’t Just for the Lazy
Sleep isn’t just some luxury for folks with extra time on their hands—it’s a must-have for staying healthy. Your body needs sleep. Without it, you’re running on empty, and that can lead to some real trouble down the road. According to Harvard Medical School, poor sleep is tied to everything from heart disease to depression.
The Dangers of Running on Empty
Not getting enough shut-eye can take a serious toll. Here’s what’s at risk:
- Heart Health ❤️ – Lack of sleep can put stress on your ticker, leading to high blood pressure, heart disease, and even heart attacks.
- Brain Power 🧠 – Ever walk into a room and completely forget why? Yeah, that’s your tired brain trying to work without sufficient. Sleep deprivation messes with your memory, focus, and problem-solving skills.
- Mood & Mental Health – Nobody’s at their best when they’re running on fumes. Not getting enough rest can crank up anxiety, depression, and irritability. (No wonder we’re all a little grumpier after DST kicks in!)
- Immune System – Your body does a lot of repair work while you sleep, so if you’re skimping on it, you’re more likely to get sick.
- Weight & Metabolism – Studies show that sleep-deprived folks tend to pack on extra pounds and struggle to lose ‘em. If you’re craving snacks at midnight, your sleepy brain might be the culprit.
How DST Throws Your Body Clock for a Loop
Your body runs on a natural schedule called the circadian rhythm. Basically, your internal clock that tells you when to wake up and when to hit the hay. This clock is heavily influenced by sunlight. So when DST flips the script and suddenly it’s dark in the morning and bright at bedtime, your body gets all kinds of confused. 🌅
Scientists at the University of Chicago explain that this misalignment can lead to poor sleep quality, grogginess, and even long-term health problems. No wonder it feels like we’re walking through molasses for weeks after the time change.
How to Get Back on Track After DST
If you’re still feeling like a zombie, don’t worry—there are some tried-and-true ways to reset your sleep schedule:
- Stick to a Schedule ⏰ – Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. (Yes, even on Saturdays, y’all.)
- Soak Up Some Sunlight Early ☀️ – Getting outside in the morning helps tell your body it’s time to be awake.
- Cut Back on Screens Before Bed 📱 – The blue light from phones and TVs tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daytime. Give yourself at least 30-60 minutes of screen-free wind-down time.
- Ease Up on the Late-Night Coffee & Snacks – Caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime can keep you tossing and turning.
- Make a Relaxing Bedtime Routine 🛀 – Whether it’s reading, taking a warm bath, or stretching, find something that helps your body and mind settle down.
- Keep Your Bedroom Cool & Dark – A cool, quiet, and pitch-black room is your best bet for solid sleep.
- Consider a Trip to the Chiropractor – If you’re waking up stiff, achy, or tossing and turning, your spine might be out of whack. Chiropractic adjustments can help improve nervous system function and reduce tension, making it easier to get quality rest.
Is It Time to Ditch DST for Good?
With all the problems linked to DST, it’s no wonder experts are pushing for permanent standard time. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine argues that standard time aligns better with our natural sleep-wake cycles, leading to better health and well-being.
But until lawmakers get it together, we’re stuck dealing with this twice-a-year mess. The good news? You can take charge of your own sleep, no matter what the clock says.
So, if you’re still dragging your feet from DST, hang in there. Get that sleep schedule straight, take care of yourself, and before long, you’ll be back to feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. And by all means, send a letter to your US Senators and Representatives urging them to support year-round standard time. If you can catch them between naps. 🌙😌
American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (n.d.). Daylight saving time and sleep. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.
Harvard Medical School. (n.d.). Sleep and health education program. Division of Sleep Medicine.
University of Chicago. (2024, March). How sleep affects human health, explained.
Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Sleep Medicine and Research. (2006). Sleep disorders and sleep deprivation: An unmet public health problem. National Academies Press.
University of California, San Francisco. (2024, March). How daylight saving impacts your sleep and what to do about it.
Sleep Education. (n.d.). Resources on daylight saving time. American Academy of Sleep Medicine.