House Calls for Chiropractic

House Calls for Chiropractic

by Brent Hearn • Scenario 1: You had every intention of making it to your chiropractic appointment on time today. But between getting the kids out the door for camp, taking the dog out for the umpteenth time, and fielding a call from the aunt who seems...

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Summertime Safety Tips

Summertime Safety Tips

by Brent Hearn • There’s a lot to love about summertime – long, lazy days of freedom, vacations, summer camp, gardening, picnics, sports, and recreation. But summertime has its challenges, too. Sometimes it can get really, really hot. And all that heat...

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Treat the Brain to Treat the Pain!

Treat the Brain to Treat the Pain!

by Brent Hearn • One of the oft-mentioned ticks in the “pro” column for chiropractic is the fact that it doesn’t rely on medication to relieve pain and discomfort. To be clear, that’s no knock on meds; for many ailments, medication is absolutely...

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Flossing: Yay or Nay?

Flossing: Yay or Nay?

by Brent Hearn • Flossing probably isn’t on your personal top-ten list of favorite discussion topics. (If it is, you’re either a dental health professional or you really need a hobby.) But throw in a pinch of controversy and nearly anything can get...

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To Stretch or Not to Stretch

To Stretch or Not to Stretch

by Brent Hearn • “To stretch or not to stretch? That is the question.”- Probably some guy lacing up his running shoes at a park somewhere If you want a little free entertainment (or just like to stir things up), find a group of fitness enthusiasts and...

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Your Mother Was Right. Eat More Fiber!

Your Mother Was Right. Eat More Fiber!

by Brent Hearn • I should really get more fiber. I should really get more fiber. I should really get more fiber… Does this sound like something you’ve ever said to yourself? If so, there’s a good chance that something, shall we say, “less than fun” was...

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Spring Cleaning for Your Mental Health

Spring Cleaning for Your Mental Health

by Brent Hearn • March is a time of transition. Spring kicks off in the latter half of the month, but depending on where you live, that may be news to the thermometer. (It can be hard to even utter the word spring unironically if you’re having to...

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Take a Stand for Your Health

Take a Stand for Your Health

by Brent Hearn • Have you ever stopped to consider how many of your waking hours are spent sitting? For far too many of us—even those of us who consider ourselves fairly active—that number can be surprising.  Think about it. If you work in an office,...

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Two Paws Up: How Pets Can Improve Your Life

Two Paws Up: How Pets Can Improve Your Life

by Brent Hearn • For many, pet ownership is more than a checkbox in a dating app; it’s an important aspect of their personality. There are cat people and there are dog people. There are “exotic animal” people and “anything with fur, feathers, or scales...

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Don’t Slip Up: Keep Your Footing in Winter Weather

Don’t Slip Up: Keep Your Footing in Winter Weather

by Brent Hearn • Unless you live in one of the few areas of the country that’s perpetually sunny and warm—and we just love that for you; we’re not envious at all—there’s a decent chance it’ll be cold outside today. And if not, it probably was fairly...

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Spice Up Your Life

Spice Up Your Life

by Brent Hearn • Our bodies are complicated machines made up of complex systems. One of the many things that can throw a kink in those systems is inflammation. Inflammation is not necessarily bad in and of itself; it’s the body’s natural response to...

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