When It Comes to Chiro, Remember C.H.I.R.O.

When It Comes to Chiro, Remember C.H.I.R.O.

by Brent Hearn • We cover a lot of chiropractic topics in this blog. (And that’s not even including all the general health info!) Interested in learning about chiropractic considerations for older adults? We’ve got you covered. How about chiropractic...

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Children and Hot Cars: A Tragic Combination

Children and Hot Cars: A Tragic Combination

by Brent Hearn • Though it’s not officially summer for a few more days, it’s been “summertime” for weeks now for many of us. But while the rise in temperatures can mean vacations, backyard grilling, and time with family, it can also spell tragedy if a...

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Questions to Ask Your Chiropractor

Questions to Ask Your Chiropractor

by Brent Hearn • Do you remember your first visit to the dentist? It was a long time ago for most of us—decades, perhaps—so it’s understandable if you don’t, but it’s easy to imagine that it was probably stressful. Wait…people are going to put their...

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What Can I Do About My TMJ?

What Can I Do About My TMJ?

by Brent Hearn • Painful clicking in the jaw. A “pop” when you open your mouth for a big yawn. Discomfort while chewing. If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you may have some experience with temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or TMJ. (Various...

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Dear Food Diary…

Dear Food Diary…

by Brent Hearn • Dear Diary,I know my recent entries have been a whole lot of wholesome and a little bit of sweet, but not today. Oh, no…not today, Diary. Today, things are going to get a little, shall we say…spicy.  Oh, who am I kidding? There’s no...

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Carry On, My Wayward…Chiropractic Patient?

Carry On, My Wayward…Chiropractic Patient?

by Brent Hearn • It can be tempting to think of chiropractic primarily as a treatment for those who have been injured or are otherwise seriously hurting. If you hear about someone you know going to the chiropractor after being involved in an automobile...

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When Pollen Attacks

When Pollen Attacks

by Brent Hearn • You wake up to sunlight streaming through your windows. With spring on your mind and a spring in your step, you walk outside and recoil with horror at the nightmarish vision that awaits you. The landscape has changed; a yellowish-green...

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Watch Your Back…At Play!

Watch Your Back…At Play!

by Brent Hearn • For those of you who have read our articles Watch Your Back…at Work and Watch Your Back…at Home and have wondered if we’d draw from that well again, wonder no longer. Welcome to the third installment of our “Watch Your Back” series!...

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Now Hear This

Now Hear This

by Brent Hearn • Our sense of hearing can bring pleasure, pain, annoyance, or safety. From the soaring melodies of an orchestral piece to the blaring siren of a house alarm, from a phone notification during a play to the screech of tires in a parking...

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Watch Your Back…at Home

Watch Your Back…at Home

by Brent Hearn • There’s no getting around it. There are a zillion ways to injure your back. Are you an athlete? Plenty of ways to hurt your back. How about just moderately active? Everyday life affords you an abundance of opportunities to tweak the...

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The Upside of (Good) Home Remedies

The Upside of (Good) Home Remedies

by Brent Hearn • Many of us grew up hearing our elders offering up medical advice for various ailments: Sore throat? Drink some tea with honey! Hiccups? Swallow a spoonful of sugar! Burn your hand? Put some butter on it! Leave it to Grandma to think...

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What’s Causing My Back Pain?

What’s Causing My Back Pain?

by Brent Hearn • If you’ve ever been to a chiropractor—or indeed, if you’re a human above a certain age—there’s a decent chance you’ve dealt with back pain at some point. Ranging from a mild nuisance to a major problem (and painful, to boot), back pain...

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