Train Your Brain for the New Year

Train Your Brain for the New Year

by Brent Hearn •  Happy 2023, everybody! For some, January 1st is just another day, but for others, turning the page on a new year can symbolize a fresh start. (Plus, there’s that new calendar smell, right?) For many, a new year means new resolutions....
Napping Done Right

Napping Done Right

by Brent Hearn •  You’ve just finished your lunch, and you’re sitting back at your desk. The afternoon stretches ahead of you like an endless highway, but no matter—you’re a bastion of productivity. Emails? You’ll answer ‘em! Meetings? You’ll crush...
Safety Tips for a Happy Holiday Season

Safety Tips for a Happy Holiday Season

by Brent Hearn •  With the end of the year barreling toward us, many of us find ourselves in full hustle-and-bustle mode. There are decorations to drag down, family gatherings to plan for, office parties to attend, gifts to shop for…and the list goes...
Coping with Mental Health Struggles During the Holidays

Coping with Mental Health Struggles During the Holidays

by Brent Hearn •  It’s hard to believe, but the season is already upon us. The end of the year is a flurry of holidays, both sacred and secular, that give us reason to be thankful for our blessings, enjoy cherished time with family and friends, and...
Watch Your Back…at Work

Watch Your Back…at Work

by Brent Hearn •  It’s the year 2022. With the vast technological resources at our disposal, you’d think back pain would be a thing of the past. So much of the manual labor that was once our lot is now delegated to machinery or has been eliminated...
Tea Time: Drink to Your Health

Tea Time: Drink to Your Health

by Brent Hearn •  When it comes to social beverages—well, social daytime beverages, at least—it’s pretty clear that coffee is king in the United States. Sure, tea shops are a thing, but by and large, people hold work meetings at coffee shops. They...