Positive Buzz for Military Chiropractic Use

Positive Buzz for Military Chiropractic Use

by Brent Hearn •  Increased awareness of the benefits of chiropractic care has opened up the possibility for chiropractic to bring healing and relief to many. One group that has greatly benefited from chiropractic—and stands to benefit even more should...
Pumpkin Really Packs a Punch

Pumpkin Really Packs a Punch

by Brent Hearn •  Sure, the official first day of fall may still be a few days away for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, but for many people, fall isn’t tied to something so rigid as when the sun crosses the celestial equator. Fall is a feeling,...
Neck and Back Health: Is Your Child Making The Grade?

Neck and Back Health: Is Your Child Making The Grade?

by Brent Hearn •  Happy September! Most schools in the U.S. have been in full swing for weeks now, and the rest are about to be. The beginning of classes means the end of summer camps and family vacations and the start of a new school year, rife with...
Your Guide to Heat-Related Illnesses

Your Guide to Heat-Related Illnesses

by Brent Hearn •  The good news (and your trivia for the day): The dog days of summer are finally over! The expression “dog days” refers to the position of Sirius, the dog star, in relation to the sun, and the dog days last from July 3rd to August...
Chiropractic Considerations for Older Adults

Chiropractic Considerations for Older Adults

by Brent Hearn •  As we age, some things aren’t as easy as they once were. For example, older people often contend with increased aches and pains, decreased mobility, and lengthier recovery times after an injury. Chiropractic can be successfully...
Sonic Hues for a Sleepy You

Sonic Hues for a Sleepy You

by Brent Hearn •  It’s late at night, and you’re exhausted from a long day. The one thing you desperately want right now also happens to be the one thing that’s eluding you: some sweet, sweet, shuteye. Instead, you can’t stop thinking about that one...