Are You Ready to Hire an Associate?

Are You Ready to Hire an Associate?

Share this page: There are some definite pros and cons to solo practice. I spent the first 20 years in practice on my own. My dad joined the practice part-time, but I didn’t really consider taking on a full-time associate until after a conversation with my practice...
The ONE Thing that Changed the Way I Do Business

The ONE Thing that Changed the Way I Do Business

Share this page: Between flights, I often find myself perusing the books in Hudson News at airports across the country. For several weeks in a row, one book stood out among the rest; The ONE Thing, by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. The title itself is intriguing… “The...
Audit Risks Growing for Out-of-Network Providers

Audit Risks Growing for Out-of-Network Providers

Share this page: With audits on the rise, more and more providers tell me they plan to go out-of-network with insurance companies to reduce their risk. If only it were that easy. The rules for billing, coding, and documentation are the same whether you are in-network...