The Coming Consolidation in Chiropractic

The Coming Consolidation in Chiropractic

Share this page: Make no mistake, the future of chiropractic looks quite different from what you likely expect. In fact, massive changes are already being made and the rate of change is only going to accelerate, leading to a very different landscape in our great...
Moments of Truth

Moments of Truth

Share this page: You have just given a new patient a report of findings and your recommendations.  You expected to hear a sigh of relief and thankfulness from the individual sitting across from you, but instead, you are confronted by crossed arms and the scowl of...
Billing & Coding for Extremity Adjustments

Billing & Coding for Extremity Adjustments

Share this page: Question:  Dr. Kotlar, I’ve been doing chiropractic extra-spinal manipulation on my patients, however, I do not know how to bill insurance for this service.  Can you help? Answer:  Chiropractic manipulative treatment (CMT) is a form of manual...
Weight Loss Is Not an Option

Weight Loss Is Not an Option

Share this page: Providing patients with a weight-loss program is a natural in a chiropractic practice.  As chiropractors, we are well aware of the detrimental effects on the spine and joints that result from carrying extra weight. If we desire to approach health from...
Rebel with a Clause: The Compliant Chiropractor

Rebel with a Clause: The Compliant Chiropractor

Share this page: If you are or know a chiropractor, odds are good that one of the last words that comes to mind is “compliant.” Most DCs didn’t go to chiropractic college because they’re big on being joiners and obedient rule-followers. In fact, hang around...